
Showing posts from August, 2022

5 Best Reasons to Invest in an Air Source Heat Pump

You might be concerned about climbing energy bills. But, like most homeowners, you are wondering whether there’s an alternative. Switching to the renewable energy source for heating has become paramount for homeowners. Hence, gas and electricity from fossil fuels are just things of the past.  Transitioning to green technology like an air source heat pump is often a no-brainer for those looking for affordable bills and green energy alternatives. However, it’s essential to consider why investing in air source heat pump technology is necessary.  Generally, an air source heat pump works by transferring heat absorbed from the surrounding air to homes or any indoor space. The heat pump works like a refrigerator, absorbing heat and transferring it to another medium. Now switch your focus to the significant reasons behind the investment: Low Carbon Footprint Air source heat pumps have the form of low carbon heating as they utilize surrounding air for heating or cooling your ho

What Makes Arctic Heat Pump Ideal for Cold Climates?

Are you searching for the right heat pump system for cold climates? Arctic Heat Pump is a revolutionary technology-driven heat pump available with unmatched cost and ensures unsurpassed performance. In addition, this heat pump can work in cold climates.  The Arctic Heat Pump is one of the best heat pumps for cold climates available at half the price of a traditionally designed geothermal heat pump. However, the Low pricing does not mean that they compromise on the quality of the heat pump.    The Arctic series heat pump comes with industry-standard parts like variable speed pumps, Panasonic EVI DC Inverter Compressors, European Sanhua Valves, and the Chico Digital Control System. All of these features are harnessed into fully weatherproof housing. But what makes this heat pump ideal to work for in cold climate conditions? Please check out the post below: Integrated Heating – The Arctic Heat Pump can control homes' heating and cooling requirements, including residential hot wate

How Do Air to Water Heat Pumps Work?

Air-to-water heat pump systems provide efficient heating and cooling to your home, especially if you live in a moderate climate. All you need is a proper installation of a system. The heat pump can provide one and a half up to three times more thermal energy to a home than the electricity it uses. It can be due to heat transfer by the heat pump, unlike other combustion heating systems. Most United States and Scandinavian countries use air source heat pumps. But they don’t work well in freezing temperatures. So even if the climate is sub-freezing in winter, running air to water heat pumps can cost you more for your heating requirements. However, air-to-water heat pump systems specifically designed for cold climates have started to deliver outstanding results. If you want to learn how the air-to-water heat pump unit works, you can check out the post below for a better understanding. How Do Air to Water Heat Pumps Work? Generally, investing in a complete and modern heat pump system