How Do Arctic Series Cold Weather Heat Pumps Work?

Arctic Series cold weather heat pumps are considered as one of the best heat pumps for cold climates. This factory controller system can manage two zones and unlimited zones along with the MX controller. The cold climate heat pump can be used for: · Space heating · Space heating and cooling · Cooling When you set Heating and Cooling, the heat pump will control both a 3 way zone valve and circulation pump. The heat pump will use the tank temperature sensors and an air temperature sensor built into the controller to switch on and set its default to the priority zone. It can be set either buffer tank for heating or air temperature sensor for cooling until it reaches the set temperature. For instance, if cooling is your main priority, the cold climate heat pump will cool down the room at the set temperature. After that, the 3-way valve will get diverted to buffer heating zone tank and the heat pump will then switch to heating ap...