How Do You Get Benefitted from Cold Water Therapy?
The Chinese and Romans have practiced cold water therapy for thousands of years. Currently, modern medicines have included the healing practices of cold water therapy. Generally, cold water therapy is connected to an alternating hot and cold medium. The therapeutic session involves using a steam or sauna room to make your body warm before entering the cold plunge pool for a few seconds or minutes.

Why Do You Take Cold Water Therapy?
Cold water therapy includes immersing your body in hot water and then in cold water. It can do wonders for your health and well-being. When you enter the cold water, it makes the nerves around the muscle and joint area numb as soon as possible. As a result, your body releases endorphins that can support muscle and joint stress.
The cold water helps in the contraction of blood vessels and minimizes swelling of joints and muscles. Another reason behind taking cold water therapy is to increase the ability of your body’s immune system. The cold water helps in body stimulation so that it produces a hormone, cytokines. Cytokines are well-known for boosting the capability of the body’s immune system and helping in protecting your body against viruses and bacteria causing flues and colds. The restriction of blood vessels can help in lowering blood pressure.
Choosing Arctic Heat Pump for Pool for Cold Water Therapy
Arctic heat pumps are the only heat pump systems throughout North America that can provide heating and cooling benefits. An Arctic heat pump for the pool can work in low-temperature conditions as cold as 20F and still continue to deliver efficiency. Above all, getting a heat pump will help you save around 60-80% on energy costs as compared to traditional electric heaters.
How Does Arctic Heat Pump for Pool Exactly Work?
The Arctic pool heat pump works through a digital pool or hot tub timer, included with the unit. The timer allows you to make adjustments in the time when the pump will work to get filtering. When the pump is working, the water can be heated or cooled by the refrigeration unit especially if the temperature is above the set point. The pool heat pump has an automatic feature that allows the unit to make the switch from heating mode to the cooling mode when required to maintain the set point temperature.
Generally, when the swimming pools get excessively hot, they cause problems with the chemical balance and make the pool a haven for algae if not treated on time. With the rise in temperature, chlorine gas starts evaporating. The hot summer temperatures can cause difficulties for pool owners living in California, Arizona, and Florida. The Arctic Pool & Spa Heat Pump helps in lowering the temperature and taking it down to the right level. You can make your pool cool to get deprived of the hot summer heat waves. When the temperature goes down, the Arctic Heat Pump will switch back to heating mode automatically.
Bottom Line –
Do you want to take advantage of cold water therapeutic sessions at your own home? You should get an Arctic heat pump
for the pool today to enjoy swimming at your personal cold plunge pool.
For more information about pool heat pump systems, feel free to contact
Arctic Heat Pumps at 1-866-800-8123.
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